Technical data Wasserfeld

Dimensioning of the plant:

58.000 inhabitants equivalent,
each 30% population
45% from tourism
25% from industry
Loads: 2.400 kg BOD5/d
3.500 kg COD/d
350 kg Ntot/d
120 kg Ptot/d
Sewage: Daily quantity of sewage: 5.000 m³/d
Dry weather flow: 111 l/s
Wet weather flow: 280 l/s
Quantity of sludge: row sludge: 182 m³/d
1.500 kg/d dried matter
After primary sludge treatment 30 m³/d
After sludge dewatering: 5 m³/d
total basin-use-volume: mechanical – biological treatment 10.870 m³
Sludge treatment 1.760 m³
total enclosed area: 31.000 m³


Technical data

Sewerage system

Catchment area: 390 km²
Lenght 15,08 km
Diameter: 250 mm – 900 mm
Material: AZ, STB, PVC, GFK
Quantity manholes: 263
Quantity measuring station: 5
Quantity pump station: 0

Technical equipment

Emergency screening plant:


1 bar-screen, Bar spacing 3 mm

Screening plant:


2 step-screen
Bar spacing: 6 mm; Qmax = 1.275 m3/h
by 1 screenings wash presses integrated
and bagging deceive

Aerated grit chamber:


2-line; each line
Grit chamber: Cross section 4,51 m²
Volume 75 m³
T = 6 min by Qt
Grit washer Qm= 20 l/s

Preliminary clarifier:


1 line,
Diameter D = 8,00 m
Water depht 2,50 m
V = 460 m³…….t = 0,59 h by Qt
sludge scraper

Biological basin:


2-line, each line
Water depth T = 5,50 m
Aerob basin 1 basin = 600 m³
Anox basin 1 basin (Denitrification) = 600 m³
Aerob 3 basins (Nitrification) = 1.800 m³
6x 180 pieces membrane diffusers
Volume - Aerob basin 1.200 m³
Volume - Denitrification 1.200 m³
Volume - Nitrification 3.600 m³
Volume - Total A + VD + VN = 6.000 m³

2x 3 Horizontal agitator
Recirculation pumps 2x Q = 320 l/s
5 compressors; 9.668 Nm³/h, 290 kW

Final clarifier:


2 basins
Circular basin D = 30 m
Water depht 4,05 m; V = 2x 2.130 m³
sludge scraper

Phosphote precipitation:


Simultaneous precipitation

Quantity of row sludge:


Row sludge 182 m³/d by 500 kg TS/d
and 30 m³/d after primary sludge pretreatment



2 pieces
Diameter 7,24 m; Volume = 2x 140 m³
Rabble rakes, sludge water separation

Secondary sludge pretreatment:


screencloth, Conditioning by
Polyetectrolytes Q = 30 m³/h

Digestion chamber:


1 piece
Truncated cone:
D1 = 13,90 m; D2 = 2,50 m; H = 18,00 m
Usable volume = 1.200 m³;
Digestion time 60 days
Circulation by biogas + pumps

Post thickeners:


2 piedes
Diameter = 7,24 m; Volume = 2x 140 m³
Rabble rakes, sludge water separation



Pressure tank 25 mbar
Usable volume 270 m³; H = rd. 8,0 m

Gas flare plant:


Capacity = 120 m³/h

Gas compressor station:


2 radial compressor

Sludge dewatering:


1 chamber filter press, Conditioning
by Polyelectrolytes Q = 20 m³/h

Sludge storage:


Area 100 m² loaded by screw conveyor

Liquified gas installation:


Tank V = 5 m³ by evaporator station

Ventilation system:


Chemical area treatment scrubber + biofilter
From sludge treatment: 15.000 m³/h
Heating system plant by 2 boiler plants
each 411 kW thermal capacity by switching
automatically for methane gas or biogas

Heating system plant:


Heating system plant by 2 boiler plants
each 411 kW thermal capacity by switching automatically for methane gas or biogas

Gas engine plant:


2 pieces each
Ptot = 223 kW; Pel = 83 kW; Pth = 123 kW for propane and biogas

Deep well – industrial water:


2 pieces of pumps, each 20 l/s