Technical data Tobl

Dimensioning of the plant:

200.000 Inhabitants equivalent,
of which 33% population
47% from tourism
22% from industry
Wastewater load: 27.800 kg BSB 5 / d
12.000 CSB / d
1,560 kg N tot / d
390 kg P tot / d
Water quantities: Dry weather inlet 15.000 m³ / d
Hourly peak during dry weather 500 l / s
Maximum inflow 1.000 l / s
Sludge volumes: Raw sludge: 1.000 m³ / d
7.000 kg / d Dry substance
After Thickening: 150 m³ / d
After sludge dewatering: 20 m³ / d
Useful tank volumes: mechanical-biological cleaning 38.440 m³
Sludge line 5.860 m³
Concealed volume:

Galleries: 200.000 m³
TRA + TRV: 5.815 m³
Service building: 12.550 m³

Technical data

Sewerage system

Catchment area: 1.176 km²
Lenght: Main collector: 78,32 km
Diameter: 200 mm – 1.200 mm
Material: SB, GFK, SZ, PVC
Quantity manholes: 1.147
Quantity measuring stations: 14
Quantity Pump stationes: 0

Technical equipment

Emergency screening plant:


3 bar-screen
Bar spacing 3 mm

Screening plant:


2 bar-screen, wide 1.200 mm
Bar spacing: 15 mm by 2 screenings with wash presses integrated and bagging decive

Skip-raked fine bar screen:


2 Aqua - Guard screens, wide 1.500 mm
Bar spacing: 6 mm by 2 screenings
wash presses integrated and bagging decive

Aerated grit chamber:


Grit chamber cross section 6,50 m²
Volume 200 m³; T = 12 min by Qt
Grit washer Qm= 20 l/s

Preliminary clarifier:


4 line, with 7 primary sedimentation basins
width 7,6 m; length 13,50 m
water depht: 2,68 m
V = 275 m³; t = 0,23 h at dry weather
cross-flow, shield scraper

Biological basin:


4 line
Denitrification basin
1 basin = 3.250 m³
Nitrification basin = 6.350 m³
Number of slabs-Messner: 92 per basin
Number of slabs-Messner: 156 per basin by
Intermittend operation
Total volume denitrification: 13.000 m³
Total volume nitrification: 25.400 m³
Total volume biology VN + VD = 38.400 m³
3x 5 Horizontal agitator



2 compressors, each 5.000 Nm³/h, 132 kW
2 compressors, each 2.500 Nm³/h, 70 kW



1 basin batch treatment = 1.514 m³
1 surnatant water accumulation = 320 m³
4 horizontal agitator
274 kg NH4-N/d

Final clarifier:


4 lines with a total of 7 secondary sedimentation basins
Lenght / Wide= 45/7,6 m
Water depht 4,50 m; V = 1.400 m³
Longitudinal flowed, chain&flight scrapers

Phosphate Precipitation:


Simultaneous precipitation
Lime milk dissolving station for regulation pH-value in biological basin

Quantity of row sludge:


Row sludge 1.000 m³/d by 7.000 kg TS/d and
150 m³/d after primary sludge pretreatment



3 pieces
4,9 m x 4,9 m; Volume 3 x 90 = 270 m³
Rabble rakes, sludge water separation

Secondary sludge pretreatment:


Screencloth: Q = 80 m³/h
Conditioning by polyetectrolytes



Strainpress: Q = 20 m³/h

Digestion chambers:


2 pieces
Cylindrical tank D = 14,00 m; H = 25,00 m
Usable vol. = 2.000 m³; digestion time 20 day
Circulation by biogas

Post thickeners:


2 pieces
Volume 2x 500 = 1.000 m³

CO-substrates tank:


Volume: 7m x 7m x 10,2m= 500 m³



Cylindrical enclosure in steel construction
Ring membrane gas accumulator; 40 mbar
Usable volume: 1.500 m³; H = ca. 15,0 m

Gas flare plant:


Capacity = 150 m³/h

Sludge dewatering:


3 screw press: Q = 3 - 5 m³/h
Conditioning by polyetectrolytes

Sludge storage:


tank: 80 m³ loaded by screw conveyor

Ventilation system:


Biofilter for exhaust air:
Q = 28.000 m³/h, Area: 320 m² V = 800 m³

Gas engine plant:


3 pieces each
Ptot = 420 kW; Pel = 140 kW;
Pth = 233 kW for methangas und biogas
1 piece each Ptot = 743 kW; Pel = 330 kW;
Pth = 413 kW for biogas

Treatment of industrial water:


Sand filter and UV-system: 20 l/s

Sludge drying plant (strip drier):


Capacity evaporation: 2 Tons H2O/h
EWbio = 430.000
24.000 Tons/a

Thermal waste recycling plant:


Pyrolysis revolving drum
Capacity: 550 kg/h pellets from the drying plant
Dry flue gas cleaning